How to evangelize in times of Quarantine?

Lic. Roberto Arce

Lic. Roberto Arce

Associate Pastor CEFCAD Church El Salvador

National EDC Director (Ambassadors of Christ)

And day after day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not stop teaching and announcing the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.

Acts 5:42

When we have the opportunity to evangelize “freely” with any means, we are generally comfortable using conventional methods only, when in reality we can discover many ways and tools on how to share the message of salvation.

How good it would be if every day we could discover new ways to do it and thus fill ourselves with useful tools to bring the word of God everywhere and at all times.

But since we are in a time of quarantine, it is important that we can take into account the tools that we already have at hand, which is the mass media and today the most accessible thing is the web world and the different platforms that There they are offered to us, such as on social networks, blogs, vlogs, etc. For this, it is important to have basic knowledge to transmit a clear and pleasant message, attractive and effective in order to capture the attention of the people who will receive it.

It is important to take into account some factors, for example that only 53% of the world's population has access to the internet , and not all of them speak the same language in which you can transmit the message. In any case, you must segment very well towards who you will be focusing the message on.

  • Making pre-recorded and well-prepared teaching videos with good post production
  • Making live videos from the different platforms available and known by your target audience (people you want to reach)
  • Make educational audios for those who are not in the habit of looking at a screen but do have the discipline to listen carefully while doing another activity.
  • Making video calls where you can interact with different members of a community.
  • By creating prayer groups via chat, sometimes people don't want you to preach to them, but just to pray for the need, and it is a good opportunity to use.

This takes into account only the people who have access to the internet in our country El Salvador, which we have a rate of 57.7%.

But if we do not want to leave aside those who do not have that access, we can ally ourselves with the authorities to be able to be escorted by them preaching with a sound system through the streets, or simply by opening the doors from the temple and from there preach to each neighbor from the temple to their homes, as they say, to want is to be able.

And today is when we must be astute and look for means that help us share the message of salvation. These are just some basic ideas on how to do it, but what are you doing to share the message of salvation?

2 Timothy 4:2 that you preach the word; that you urge in season and out of season; rebuke, rebuke, exhort with all patience and doctrine.

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