Praise Blogs
Prepare at home for a time of worship for God
This point is very important, since on many occasions as musicians we neglect this part, for the reason that we are in the church service with praise and we almost never receive... That is why we must look for and set aside a moment in the intimacy with God. -
A true worshiper
Pastor Nahum Arce
Pastor CEFCAD Church El Salvador
TRUE WORSHIPERS ARE CAPABLE OF WORSHIPING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WORST STORMS OF OUR LIVES , what storm are you going through? Are you a true worshiper? Don't stop Worshiping!
The bass in music
Carlos Dominguez
It is essential that the bassist be very confident and aware of the rhythm and figures. Many times a rhythmic variant will be more interesting than a melodic one.
It is not only about playing 100 notes per second , there are times when a quarter note and a rest is what is necessary.
The importance of musical quality in praise
Lic. Roberto Arce
Associate Pastor CEFCAD Church El Salvador
National EDC Director (Ambassadors of Christ)
We must worry about the musical quality in praise and worship, in Psalms 34:3 it says that we are magnifying the name of God, and in order to guide the people well, we must not do it in a mediocre way or giving a little effort but giving the best of each one, because it is for the King of Kings.